
Guideline at Hadirr

Learn how to use Hadirr attendance app.

  1. Head to Hadirr.com in your web browser
  2. Explore our website and find out more about hadirr
  3. Click Sign Up on the upper right side of the webpage
  4. Make sure to fill the correct number of your personnel quota and payment period as it will affect the price to pay
  5. Create your account by fill the data of yourself and your company. You will be Hadirr account administrator
  6. Check your registered email to activate your Hadirr account and invoice information. You can open your account but it can't be operated before you pay the service
  7. Please make a payment, more info click https://www.hadirr.com/payment
  8. After completing your payment, you can confirm your payment in your Hadirr account by click Invoice & Deposit in homepage then click Confirm Payment
  9. You're ready to start operating Hadirr

  1. Head to Hadirr.com in your web browser
  2. Explore our website and find out more about hadirr
  3. Interested to apply Hadirr in your office ? share this info to HR / business owner / someone who makes a decision in your company by clicking share buttons below
  4. Stay open an Hadirr account ? Follow those steps on the previous tab